editorialist|editorialists in English


writer of editorials, one who writes articles presenting the opinion of the editors or publishers

Use "editorialist|editorialists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "editorialist|editorialists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "editorialist|editorialists", or refer to the context using the word "editorialist|editorialists" in the English Dictionary.

1. Are the Globe editorialists correct that gay marriage hasn't lent legitimacy to polygamy?

2. “It takes a bigoted and paranoid imagination to believe that the Jehovah’s Witnesses pose any kind of threat to any political regime,” wrote a North American editorialist.

3. Editorialists grumbled that Clinton had come off as a wimp and a patsy, Sino-pundits called the shortsighted, Conniving American president no match for the farsighted, Conniving Chinese.

4. Blatherskite" with an "unbalanced and unsound mind," though whether or not Bryan was "insane," the Times editorialist of 1896 conceded, "is a question for expert alienists") is no different than the Times in 2016 on Donald Trump.

5. ‘The Blatancy of this bribe, which sends all the wrong messages about the use of public funds, has yet to be fully absorbed by most editorialists.’ ‘It really is this very Blatancy that is part of his magnetism and is reflected beautifully in his lyrics.’